The dA strikes back! Here we are again with our new album “APOLLO III Ad Infinitum”.
This time we would like to release our songs with many different possibilities (Yeah, we have a lot of surprises for you guys) but before you listen to the first track of the album, “The Kármán Line”, we recorded a special acoustic version at Coliseo Noela in Noia.
We really hope that it speaks to you.
O dA contraataca!.Aquí estamos de novo cun àlbum novo “APOLLO III Ad Infinitum”. Desta volta queremos lanzar as nosas canciòns de moitos xeitos diferentes(yes!,temos sorpresòns para vos) pero antes de que escoitedes a versiòn do disco “The Kármán Line”,rexistramos unha versiòn acústica no coliseo noela
Agardamos que vos diga algo